Project information

Crisis Management Training Platform


This project was developed as part of my internship at INRIA. The goal of the project was to develop a crisis management training platform to evaluate the performance of crisis management teams. The platform was designed to simulate a crisis scenario and provide a realistic environment for crisis management teams to train and improve their skills. The platform was developed using VirtualBox.


  • IS Architecture: I designed the information system architecture for the platform. This involved designing the network architectureand protocols.
  • Attacks: I implemented various attacks, including DoS, SSH brute force, phishing, website defacing, ransomware, and spamming attacks.
  • Attacker's Administration Interface: I developed the attacker's administration interface, which allowed the attacker to monitor the attacks and manage the attack parameters. The interface was developed using PHP and MySQL.
  • User's Reactions: I developed tools to measure the reactions and responses of defenders. These tools were developed using Python and Bash.
  • Report: I wrote a report detailing the project's architecture, implementation, and results.


The platform was successfully developed and tested. The platform was used during a two days training session by students from heterogeneous backgrounds.

The platform could be improved by adding more sophisticated attacks scenarios.